In Episode 10 of the “The Heresy of Cessationism” series, Daniel delves deep into the examination of cessationism, dissecting arguments from theologians like Warfield. By scrutinizing the inconsistency in assessing biblical miracles versus contemporary testimonies, Kolenda challenges the rational basis of cessationist beliefs. He explores the philosophical underpinnings of David Hume’s skepticism and advocates for a theological approach over a rationalist one. Ultimately, Kolenda asserts the unbiblical nature of modern cessationism, urging listeners to adopt a more scripturally grounded perspective.
To view the previous parts of this series about “The Heresy of Cessationism” visit:
The Heresy of Cessationism 1 (The Scriptures)
The Heresy of Cessationism 2 (A Cascade of Lies)
The Heresy of Cessationism 3 (Has Prophecy Ceased?)
The Heresy of Cessationism 4 (Have Tongues Ceased?)
The Heresy of Cessationism 5 (Gifts of Healings)
The Heresy of Cessationism 6 (Evidence of Modern Miracles)
The Heresy of Cessationism 7 (Miracle Workers)
The Heresy of Cessationism 8 (More Calvinist Than Calvin)
The Heresy of Cessationism 9 (The Pagan Origins)