In the final episode of the Off The Record Podcast, Daniel Kolenda continues to delve into the history of the Holy Spirit’s movement within the Church, focusing on the period from the Reformation to the 20th century. The episode highlights the origins of the modern Pentecostal movement back to the famous Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles in 1906. Led by William J. Seymour, the revival saw manifestations of speaking in tongues, healings, and widespread spiritual renewal. With as many as 700 million people now identifying as Pentecostal or Charismatic, this movement has been instrumental in fulfilling the Great Commission, spreading the Gospel message worldwide and revitalizing Christianity. Ultimately, Daniel concludes this series by celebrating the ongoing presence and work of the Holy Spirit, affirming the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the continuation of miraculous signs and wonders in the Church.
To view the previous parts of this series about “The Heresy of Cessationism” visit:
The Heresy of Cessationism 1 (The Scriptures)
The Heresy of Cessationism 2 (A Cascade of Lies)
The Heresy of Cessationism 3 (Has Prophecy Ceased?)
The Heresy of Cessationism 4 (Have Tongues Ceased?)
The Heresy of Cessationism 5 (Gifts of Healings)
The Heresy of Cessationism 6 (Evidence of Modern Miracles)
The Heresy of Cessationism 7 (Miracle Workers)
The Heresy of Cessationism 8 (More Calvinist Than Calvin)
The Heresy of Cessationism 9 (The Pagan Origins)
The Heresy of Cessationism 10 (The Godfather)
The Heresy of Cessationism 11 (Miracles in the Middle Ages)